“Engaging the Culture with a Biblical Worldview” is designed for students seeking to understand how the Scripture relates to and mandates specific engagement of the governmental arena and “perceived” political activity.
It is intentionally and distinctly non-partisan, recognizing that civil government and politics are incredibly broken and at times convoluted. The course will be divided into the theology of cultural engagement, the philosophy of cultural engagement, and the practices a Christian leader or Pastor might seek to implement.
The class will answer the question as to whether or not Jesus, the early church, and apostles participated in this type of activity and exactly how it was approached.
Christians, no matter what nation they may find themselves living in, have a Biblical mandate to be salt and light in that arena and a responsibility to bring Christ’s Lordship to it, as well as every arena of life. Thus, we are happy to offer you one of our most popular courses: Engaging the Culture with a Biblical Worldview (BT800).
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Explain the involvement of both the individual Christian and the Church in the civil governmental arena from a Biblical perspective.
- Dispel general myths and concerns with Christians participating and influencing the codification of community, state, or national policies and values.
- Identify and apply Scriptural precepts to contemporary cultural issues and offer the appropriate Biblical patterns or solutions.
- Demonstrate practical ways and strategies of effectively discipling a nation’s civil leadership and reforming its culture with a Biblical worldview.
Dr. Kevin Baird is the director of the Florida Capitol Project, an initiative which seeks to connect Florida pastors with their civic representatives for prayer, partnership (in righteous programs), and public policy discussions.
In addition to 35 years of pastoral experience, Dr. Baird has been highly involved in activating pastors towards greater civic engagement and public policy advocacy. In 2008, he was one of a group of national pastors who challenged the constitutionality of The Johnson Amendment of the IRS Code 501(c)3, which restricts a pastor’s First Amendment rights in the pulpit. In 2013, he was the founding director of the South Carolina Pastors Alliance, a group of nearly 500 pastors networking together to influence legislation especially in the areas of life, marriage, family, and religious liberty.
Dr. Baird has been well educated receiving a Bachelors Degree (B.A.) in Religion / Philosophy from Mid-America Nazarene University; a Masters of Divinity (M. Div.) in Historical Theology from Nazarene Theological Seminary; and a Doctor of Ministry degree (D. Min.) in History of Christian Thought from Evangel Theological Seminary.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes