Has God put a desire in your heart to grow your faith and pursue advanced training for your Kingdom calling? Maybe you’re not sure if a theology degree or ministry certificate is right for you. If you’re on the fence about your next steps, we invite you to preview the first video session of one of our courses, absolutely free!
Choose from some of our most popular courses in categories such as Biblical Theology, Practical Theology and New Testament Studies. You’ll receive the first full session of your selected course at no cost to you. Click on any course title below to learn more.
- Eschatology I: A Biblical Theology of the End Times (BT625)
- Engaging the Culture with a Biblical Worldview (BT800)
- The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (BT820)
- Questions of Faith I: Fact and Faith (BT850)
- Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians (NT610)
- Dynamics of Effective Communication (PT340)
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (PT511)
- Building Churches That Last (PT727)
- Overcoming Racism Through the Gospel (PT925)
We’re confident that our high-quality Christian education programs will prepare you for your future in ministry, the marketplace or wherever God is leading you.
Complete the brief form to get started, and you’ll receive immediate access to the first video session from each of these courses!